Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Time Photoshoot

I received a new camera a few months ago and I haven't been putting it to good use. So yesterday we had a gorgeous sunny, spring like day and I just had to go out in it. I was just beautiful. Duncan got to play on the grass for the first time and he loved it! He was very curious about all the different textures and pine needles. My father-in-law helped me when I got the camera and put it on auto so it takes decent pictures. I'm hoping this spring to start using my camera more and practicing more in a manual mode and screwing around with all the settings. Until then though these pictures will do...

Monday, February 13, 2012

8 Months!

Duncan turned 8 months old on Saturday. He his getting so big! I feel like he is less and less a baby and becoming more and more and little boy. He has mastered crawling on his hands and knees. He can get anywhere he wants to super quick. His favorite spot as of today is the ficus tree. He crawls as fast as he can because he knows that we are coming after him to stop him! He loves to walk around everything. He will stand up whenever he can. He sleeps about 9 hours every night, gets up to drink a 6 oz bottle and get a diaper change, then goes back to bed for at least another 2+ hours. He still only has his 2 bottom teeth. He is becoming super fun to play with and everyday is better than the one before!

 His current love is his rubber ducky. He carries him around like a pacifier every where.

 This is his new rocket ship. He Loves it! He likes to ride on it and push all the cool buttons

Thursday, January 12, 2012

7 Months

Ahhh! I can't believe he's 7 months old already! He is getting soooo big. I missed his 6 month update so I'll give you some stats. He is almost 20 lbs, 27 1/2 in long. He is in the 85% for height and 35% or weight! We've upped the solid food intake though so hopefully his weight will catch up to his height! He is loving all foods. He was kind of picky when he first started eating solids but now he'll pretty much eat whatever I give him. He started crawling around thanksgiving and in the last two weeks has started to pull himself up on everything! Here are a few pictures to show off his new skills.

And here's one of all the boys hanging out!