Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dental Appointment

Ryan recently asked me when the last time I went to the dentist was... I responded, "I'm pretty sure I went just before we got married while I was still on my parents insurance." That of course would have been close to a year ago now so I needed to go in. Apparently you're supposed to go like every 6 months I guess!? So I finally made an appointment and when I was there asked when my last appointment was. To my amazement they told me April of 2008! That is nearly 2 1/2 years! Most people and dentists would understand if you were a student and didn't have dental insurance but I had no excuse! I have always been insured and just never went! So, I was told that I had a cavity and also I was having a previous filling restored to white so that is doesn't look like there is food stuck between my teeth!
I had the procedure done this morning but I'm thinking that they did the wrong tooth because I'm not noticing much of a difference. What do you think?
(notice in the after I have to use my finger because I can't smile!)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cute Baby/Va-Cay/ Extreme Home Makeover

This adorable little guy is the main reason we all went down to Texas. He is so cute. He is 4 weeks in these pictures and he still looks just like a newborn. He is so small. This is the only picture that we got of him smiling and isn't it just adorable!

While we were there Ryan (my brother) was setting up his classroom for school and one of the days we decided to go down and help him get set up. While there we may have posed Ethan for some photos. I think Beth may have started to get worried with all the different pictures we were posing Ethan for!

I just can't get over how adorable he is! I love him so much and miss him so much. Beth and Ryan try to send us pictures of him everyday and I love getting them. He is now up to 10 pounds! He's growing so fast.

While we were there we also helped Beth and Ryan fix up there house. We laid floors, painted, trimmed trees and bushes, and fixed the plumbing! It was quite a week.

While we were there all the girls decided to have their eyebrows threaded. It's this new way to shape and pluck your eyebrows.

Check out this video of it: Eyebrows

So, the video claims that it is a less painful and easier, but don't be fooled, it is incredibly painful!! Our eyebrows did look great but Oh My GOSH! It hurt so bad.

So, our week was great and I was sad to leave. I love seeing all of my family. I can't wait until Christmas to see them all again!