Sunday, February 20, 2011

24 Weeks & Sunday Dessert!

 If you didn't already know...I'm pregnant! I am 24 weeks today. I had a doctors appointment on Friday and everything is looking good. He (it's a boy!) is just over 1 pound and about the length of an ear of corn. 

I haven't had any weird cravings. I hear about women having strange cravings or any sort of cravings. I don't think that I have had any. I enjoy eating food but nothing in particular. Today I was excited to bake. I have wanted to bake some cookies for quite some time and I finally did it! I made oatmeal cookies and chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. They almost taste like carmel oatmeal cookies though because of all the sugar. They are D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Traditions...

This year for Valentine's I was kind of obsessed with creating a tradition that we could do every year for Valentine's Day from now on. I think that I was successful and I'm excited for next year to try out our tradition. What is that tradition you might ask? Well, don't get to excited because it's nothing fancy but it was fun....


We decided to make a margarita pizza, delicious!