Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Little Taste of Duncan... 3 Months

The past three months have been the best three months ever! Duncan is the cutest baby ever and is only getting cuter every day. He has so much personality now and loves to smile and laugh. He makes this really high pitch squeal when he gets excited and it's so funny. Duncan and I have been going for walks almost every day. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we meet up with our friends Beth and Oliver. Oliver is 3 weeks older than Duncan. We have a lot of fun together. So I totally missed his two month update because we were in Utah. For his three month though he is weighing in around 13 pounds and 24 inches long. He's started to get a little chunkier. He's definitely getting some thigh rolls.  
This picture is a little blurry but he looked so cute in his khakis and shoes!
Duncan and Oliver

Going for an evening walk. Duncan wanted to be just like his dad so he put his sunglasses on too! 
One night we were watching tv and Duncan was just hanging out next to us. We thought he was looking at the tv too but when we looked over he was zonked out!

Duncan got a new toy from one of my parents neighbors. He can't quite reach the toys yet but he likes standing up in it.

This is my favorite picture I have ever taken of him. We were doing a little photo shoot for Ryan's mom's birthday. All of the rest of the pictures are from that same shoot. 

Isn't he just so stinkin' CUTE!!!!! I love this little guy so much!

1 comment:

  1. He is so stinkin' cute!!! We love hanging out with you guys!!!
